Jacob Liesting

Jacob Liesting
  • Born: , Margonin (Polen)

    pict1020.jpg [149x100] Margonin, Polen. Jacob Liesting woonde hier
    Liesting Jacob Margonin Margonin - 10 - 223
    Compiled and posted by R. Reuben Drefs

    These Land Registration records contain head of household records which are augmented by that particular head of household's family. The records also list the deanary and parish for each town.

    In the head of household name section of the land records only the head of household is identified by a surname and usually also by his given name. The other family members are normally not given by name but only by a numerical statistic. For example if the man is married it would have the number one in the wife column but no name given for the wife. For the sons and daughters, hired male and female workers only the correct appropriate number would show in the appropriate column.

    Thus for genealogical research the most useful information that can be gained from the 1772 land records is the name of the head of household, whether the head of household was married and the number of children. The research information gained from land record information would then need to be supported with documentation from other records such as church records which can provide more precise family name information, date of birth etc. Land records can also provide clues for the precise town in which a particular surname ancestor lived in 1772

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